Thursday, November 15, 2018

Don't Miss It

“Earth's crammed with heaven,
 And every common bush afire with God;
 But only he who sees, takes off his shoes.
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

(Gospel Lesson considered: Luke 10:38-42, Jesus in the house of Mary and Martha)

These words may sound familiar to some of us here at Nashotah.

I first heard this bit of poetry in David Sherwood’s Ascetical Theology class.

I don’t quite remember the context (sorry, David) – but in the two years that have passed since I took the class, I find that I can’t stop thinking about these words.

“Earth’s crammed with Heaven,
and every common bush afire with God.”

…. and yet we just sit around and pluck the blackberries.

Don’t get me wrong, I love blackberries
– but please don’t miss the point.

We often say (easily enough) that Creation happens through the Word of God –

But actually think about that idea.
Let that soak that in.

Everything that ever was or will be – everything that has being – is produced by that Eternal Word
– that Word  which is the Perfect and Living Expression of Who-God-Is –pouring out across space and time…
 and present at every moment and in every single place.

So it’s no wonder that we miss it so often.

In this same world where the very Self Expression of God is bursting forth with Creative Life - things still need to be done.

Papers still need to be written (…apparently), 
berries need to be plucked,
families need to be taken care of,
and the poor and the destitute still need to be fed.

My sisters and brothers, we soon find (like our sister Martha in the Gospel according to Luke ) that we still have many things to take care of.

Having welcomed Jesus the Christ into her home, Martha frantically set out to finish tasks left undone (as any good host would). 
Her Lord, her Teacher, God’s own Messiah had come to be in her home. 
Whether she was fully aware of it or not – the Eternal Son of God was sitting under her roof… 

 But in her frantic need to make sure everything was perfect, she almost missed a unique chance in that moment to just be with him.
To simply sit with her sister at the feet of Jesus – to soak in his presence – and to drink deeply of his Word.

Things still need to be done… and by the grace of God, they will be. 
We know that Christ is not one to idly sit by as things unfold.  At this point in Luke’s gospel, Jesus has already set his face towards Jerusalem – this guy was on a mission – one that he knew would cost him his life.
And yet…. here he sits among friends. 

My friends, we all have tasks that have been set before us.
And we who would invite the Living Word into our midst have more to do than most. We are called to bear witness to Christ in all of our words and all of our actions.
But in our tasks we must not lose sight of the point.

Our Lord is not a taskmaster, but One who gives birth to stars and worlds and lives. 
Our work for him is our work with him.

So when you look into the eyes of the person sitting across from you, whoever they are – see that the Eternal Word of God is at work in them.

That within every single human being – in every single moment and in every single place – the Spirit of Christ stirs and yearns to break forth.

Don’t miss it.

“Earth is crammed with Heaven
And every common bush afire with God.”
… but don’t worry, the blackberries are quite cool.

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