Monday, October 29, 2018

Flesh and Blood

“Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one...”

(Ephesians 2:13-14) 

This passage from Saint Paul’s letter to the Ephesians speaks to a most profound mystery.

Namely that whatever happened in Galilee and Judea 2,000 years ago is still happening.

Indeed it has been happening from before all ages, but it is in the womb of Mary that this reality is first made fully manifest…

The Word has become flesh, and dwells among us.”

In the person of Jesus Christ, the very Word of God - the expression of God’s Self, has become a human being (located in space and time).
Thus the Infinite God who transcends all space and time has become known to us, not in a blinding flash but as a frail human being.

As a mother giving birth and a baby whose eyes shown with the redemption of the human race,

as a young man who knew that he was called to abide in the House of his Father, always - even at the expense of being separated from those who loved him…

and as a craftsman-turned-Rabbi whose Message of Truth and Eternal Life could not be silenced even by death.

But my friends, the Event of the Incarnation did not end with the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. For us, that was only a beginning.

From the Right Hand of the Father and the place where Christ is, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us – making us one with the Glorified Christ and therefore participants in the Incarnation.
Jesus himself tells us in the Gospel According to John:
“Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me and I in them.”

In a few moments, after offering our up our prayers and the gifts of human hands, we will be nourished by the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (made manifest once more). In this Holy act of Communion we who have gathered in this place from across world are made one with the Living Christ – the eternally beloved Child of God.

As the Word of God has been made manifest in the Flesh and Blood of a human being, so now are we creatures of flesh and blood united to his life by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Nourished by the sacrament of Bread and Wine and having been one-ed to Christ, we who bear his Spirit have become his Body -- It is his Blood that flows through each of us according to the rhythms of his loving heart.

But Beloved, as we become Christ’s very Flesh and Blood, discern for yourselves what it is exactly that you are signing up for. As the Prayer Book says, we come to this table “not for solace only, but for strength.”

If we are to learn anything from the ministry of Jesus the Christ it is this:
“God is Love… and the Love that God is does not sit idle for very long.”

By uniting ourselves to the Living Christ, we are being united to that Revelation of Divine Love.
Love which bring forth things from no-thing.
Love which brings the dust of the Earth to life.
Love which became Incarnate in the Virgin Mary, and was made man.

We who are Christ’s Flesh and Blood (if we take that vocation seriously) are called to manifest the Love of God as he does.

We are called to look upon every single human being as God does: Beloved Children made in the Divine Image.

Even when that Image seems obscured from our vantage point, we are called to love them all the same, as Christ Loved us… because their flesh is our flesh, and their blood is ours....

When a young man is chained to a fence, beaten, and left for dead because of his sexuality... our flesh must show bruises and cuts.

When a woman’s story of abuse goes unheard… our cheeks must be wet with her tears.

When a gunman enters a synagogue, full of hatred and murderous intent… we must be ready to stand in the line of fire.

In Christ Jesus, the Infinite Love of God was forever united to Humanity 
in flesh and in blood.

We who have been gathered here to be united to Christ and study his word share in Christ’s vocation. 
Wherever we might be sent when we leave this place, we are called bear the Divine Image of Love – to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world and unite ourselves to the broken and the outcast as he did– that these too might know that they are the Beloved Sons and Daughters of the Ever Living God.

As Christ’s own Flesh and Blood, he will never leave us…    
and he will never let us go.

1 comment:

  1. Shane, you have a sensitive heart and a pure soul. God called you to His service to reflect His love and compassion and to be a witness for Christ the Savior. Being close to the Savior sometimes means suffering, but the joy and strength that you receive from the Holy Spirit cannot be compared to anything that worldly pursuits have to offer. God bless you and strengthen your vocation to serve Him with all your heart, always. I am, by the way, olguie your mom's friend from Good Shepherd.
